From Facebook: US National Weather Service Morristown Tennessee
Here is an ESTIMATED snowfall map for the snow we got here in the southern Appalachians. It won’t be exact since snowfall amounts vary so much, but it should give a good idea for where the heaviest snow was.
This event was a bit unique in that areas around Chattanooga got more snow than many other places as there was drier air and more snowmelt occurring further north.
Pictures taken on the 2nd day after the snowfall:
Front bulb bed.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Daffodils bed
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
[Lantana camara]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Driveway and Sunny Knock Out Roses
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Red Leaf Barberry Hedges
[Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea’]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood
[Cornus sericea]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Hardy Bensonhurst Purple Fig, Indigo Bush, etc.
[Ficus carica], [Amorpha fruticosa], etc.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Neighbors’ trees
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Trellis at the Rose bed.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Hicks Yew, Purple Pearls Beautyberry, etc.
[Tuxus x media ‘Hicksii’], [Callicarpa ‘Purple Pearls’], etc.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Double Play Doozie® Spirea
[Spiraea x]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Autumn Jazz Arrowwood Viburnum
[Viburnum dentatum ‘Ralph Senior’].
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Kaleidoscope Abelia
[Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Sunny Anniversary Glossy Abelia
[Abelia x grandiflora]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.
Coral Beauty Cotoneaster
[Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’]
Picture taken on January 12, 2025.