Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – June 26, 2020
Before pruning: Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata]. Picture Taken on June 26, 2020. After pruning: Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata]. Picture Taken on June 26, 2020. Pruned the Green-headed Coneflowers. Additional photographs (22) taken today: Hush Little Baby Daylily [Hemerocallis ‘Hush Little Baby’] Picture Taken on June 26, 2020. Baja Daylily [Hemerocallis…
Gardening Diary – June 22, 2020
Sweet Potato Vine [Ipomoea batatas] Picture taken on June 22, 2020. Planted 2 Sweet Potato vines in raised bed #7. These were purchased from Minge’s. Original bed near the house. Picture taken on June 22, 2020. Weeded the original bed between the house and the Deutzia Magician [Deutzia x hybrida ‘MAGICIEN’].…
Gardening Diary – June 20, 2020
Raise bed #6 Picture taken on June 26, 2020 Worked the back half of the raised bed #6. Evened out soil and covered it with 1 bag of PRO-MIX Organic Garden Mix 2CF Compressed Soil. Planted c 20 seeds of Candy Mountain Hybrid Sunflower that was purchased from Burpee Seeds.…
Gardening Diary – June 13, 2020
Continued to weed the tier bed and finally cut down the Tulip Poplar. There are least four other trees in the tier bed that needed to be cut down. Sharon pruned and provided support for the Tomato plants and fertilized the plants in the raised beds #2-4. We noticed that…