Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – August 11, 2021
Sharon with harvest of Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers and Eggplant. Picture taken on August 11, 2021. Sharon harvested Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers and Eggplant.
Gardening Diary – August 3, 2021
Weed-eated the walkway next to the original bed and the walkway across the back that splits into walkways on either side of straw bale beds #1-4. Sharon Harvesting with Lily Picture taken on August 3, 2021. Sharon harvested Cucumbers, Eggplant, Yellow Summer Squash, Yellow Crookneck Squash, Tomatoes, and Zucchini. Other…
Gardening Diary – August 2, 2021
Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Weeded the bed containing the second Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.]. Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Put down several bags of pine bark mini nuggets…
Gardening Diary – July 31, 2021
Photograph (1) taken today: Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata]. Picture taken on July 30, 2021.
Gardening Diary – July 29, 2021
Tomatoes, Yellow Crookneck Squash, Asian Cucumbers, Cucumber, and Zucchini Picture taken July 29, 2021. Sharon harvested Tomatoes, Yellow Crookneck Squash, Asian Cucumbers, Cucumber, and Zucchini from the straw bale beds.