Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – December 3, 2021
Second bulb bed. Picture taken on December 3, 2021. Sharon and I continued weeding the second bulb bed. To make the weeding easier, decided to cut almost to the ground the leaves of the Ground Orchids [Bletilla striata ‘Alba’].
Gardening Diary – November 22, 2021
Second bulb bed. Picture taken on November 22, 2021. Continued to weed the second bulb bed. Cut back the dead stems of the other Penstemon [Penstemon sp.] and some of the stems of the Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii] so that it was easier to weed near the Threadleaf Blue…
Gardening Diary – November 19, 2021
Second bulb bed. Picture taken on November 19, 2021. Continued to weed the second bulb bed. Cut back the dead stems of one of the Penstemon [Penstemon sp.] and the stems of the Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii] which was outside the support provided for the main part of the…
Gardening Diary – November 16, 2021
Yesterday, took 3 bags of garden refuse to the Knox County dump. Went over to Home Depot to purchase more mulch. They only had 4 2 ft3 bags of pine bark mini nuggets which we purchased. Second bulb bed. Picture taken on November 16, 2021. Started to weed the second…
Gardening Diary – November 12, 2021
Rose bed. Picture taken on November 12, 2021. Spread 10 2 ft3 bags of pine bark mini nuggets on approximately 2/3 of the Rose bed. Before laying down a bag of mulch on a particular area, sprinkled Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer on the area.
Gardening Diary – November 10, 2021
Spread a 2 ft3 bag of pine bark mini nuggets between the Sunny Anniversary Glossy Abelia [Abelia x grandiflora] and the Coral Beauty Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’] and spread another bag of pine bark mini nuggets behind the Autumn Fire Sedum [Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Fire’ (Hylotelephium spectabile)]. Rose bed. Picture taken on November 11,…