Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – March 21 – 25, 2023
Noah, while cleaning the porch, collected many items and put them in a large pile in the middle of the floor. He wanted me to sort the items, put those that I wanted to keep on the shelves, and put those, that I did not want to keep, in the…
Gardening Diary – March 18, 2023
While taking the dogs, Lily and Paisley, outside noticed the following Tulip: Additional picture taken today:
Gardening Diary – March 11, 2023
Went outside to take a picture, of where our original garden shed was located, for yesterday’s Gardening Diary. Noticed that the 2 Pink Flowering Almonds [Prunus glandulosa] were starting to bloom: One side of the second bulb bed was full of Surprise Lilies [Lycoris squamigera]. Will be looking forward to…
Gardening Diary – March 10, 2023
We had Farmer & Sons come and pick up the garden trash and take it to a dump. They could not take the hazardous trash. Sharon is sitting in front of their truck and trailer. While they were loading the trailer, Sharon was digging up some Onions from the Daffodils…