Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – February 24, 2021
For the sixth day of preparing the straw bales, fertilized all the straw bales using 1 cup of Alaska Fish Fertilizer in 2 gallons of water for 4 straw bales. Started working in the front yard. Before: Pink Muhly Grass [Muhlenbergia capillaris] Picture taken 24 February 2021. After: Pink Muhly…
Gardening Diary – February 23, 2021
Left side of the tier bed. Picture taken on 23 February 2021. Removed half of the green plastic fence from the left side of the tier bed. The fence consisted of 2 pieces and I removed 1 of them. Straw bale bed #7 Picture taken on 23 February 2021. Wrapped…
Gardening Diary – February 22, 2021
Took the cut-up palettes, which we loaded in the car on Saturday, to the Solid Waste Management and dropped them off there along with the plastic coverings. In addition to skipping the 2nd fertilization of the straw bale beds, we decided to skip the 3rd fertilization which was scheduled for yesterday. Today,…
Gardening Diary – February 20, 2021
Noah and I moved the 4 palettes to the backyard. Sawed each of the palettes into 3 sections; Noah helped with the sawing by holding the palettes. We moved the 12 pieces to the car. Stepping stones. Picture taken on 23 February 2021. After removing the 6 stepping stones from…
Gardening Diary – February 19, 2021
Fertilized straw bale beds #1-4, #7-8. Used almost the whole gallon of the Alaska Fish Fertilizer. Sharon said that she would use only a half a gallon. Therefore, she suggested that I skip the 2nd day of fertilizing tomorrow.
Gardening Diary – February 10, 2021
Straw bale beds #1-4 Picture taken on February 10, 2021. From a second palette, took 6 or 7 wheat straw bales to finish installing the straw bales in the raised beds #3-4. Straw bale bed #7 Picture taken on February 10, 2021. 1 or 2 of the straw bales had…