Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – October 18, 2021
Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Sharon and I planted 2 Mugo Pines in the beds in the front yard that contained the Cranberry Cotoneasters [Cotoneaster apiculatis]. We added water and Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed All…
Gardening Diary – October 15, 2021
Cranberry Cotoneasters removed. [Cotoneaster apiculatis] Picture taken on October 15, 2021. Sharon and I removed the 2 Cranberry Cotoneasters in the front yard. In addition, we weeded the beds that contained these plants. The weeds were primarily Bermuda grass and Violets.
Gardening Diary – October 13, 2021
Bulb bed Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Sharon finished weeding the Bulb bed. Finished mulching this bed with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. Bulb and Rose beds. Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Then started mulching the Rose bed also with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. A total of 10 2…
Gardening Diary – October 5, 2021
Took 6 bags of weeds to the dump. According to the Facebook page for the National Weather Service Morristown, expecting rain for today and the next 3 days: Several rounds of showers and a few thunderstorms are forecast over the next couple of days with the highest rainfall totals expected…
Gardening Diary – September 29, 2021
Between the back of the original bulb bed and the Rose bed and the Green-headed Coneflower bed. Picture taken on September 29, 2021. Weeded around the backs of the original bulb bed and the Rose bed and the front of the Green-headed Coneflower bed which contained many Green-headed Coneflowers. Additional…
Gardening Diary – September 28, 2021
Rose bed and Original bulb bed Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Sharon continued to weed the original bulb bed and started to weed the Rose bed. Frog bath bed Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Chinese Fringe-Flower [Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum] Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Millennium Allium Ornamental Onions…