Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – February 22, 2023
Sharon was cleaning the back bed along the walkway behind the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince [Chaenomeles speciosa‘Texas Scarlet’], etc. while I was cutting down the volunteer trees and bushes that were growing in the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince and the Azaleas [,hododendron sp.] at the right side of the front…
Gardening Diary – February 21, 2023
Sharon and I continued to clean the backyard. We obtained 5 large bags of refuse which we took to the Knox County dump. Pictures taken on February 21, 2023. On return, we started to pick up fallen limbs. We saw our volunteer Lenten Rose [Helleborus sp.] in one of the…
Gardening Diary – February 13, 2023
Sharon and I took 3 bags full of garden trash, that was collected last Friday, over to the Knox County dump. In addition, we took one of the chippers and one of the reciprocating saws both of which were no longer working.
Gardening Diary – February 10, 2023
Sharon noticed that the Lenten Roses were blooming. In order to take some pictures of some of the blooms, I pruned some of the dead leaves off of some of the plants. Sharon and I cleaned up part of the back yard, producing 3 large bags of garbage which we…
Gardening Diary – February 6, 2023
With warm weather for the few days of the week, we went out to work in the garden. I took the wagon, that was filled up back in last November, over to Dave’s gulley and emptied the limbs from our pruning. Then Sharon and I partially cleaned up the back…