Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – October 23, 2021
Sharon working on the Daffodils bed. Picture taken on October 23, 2021. Little Princess Spirea [Spirea japonica] Picture taken on October 23, 2021. Sharon and I finished weeding in an area of the Daffodil bed where we planted a Little Princess Spirea [Spirea japonica]. We added water and Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n…
Gardening Diary – October 19, 2021
Sharon in front bulb bed. Picture taken October 19, 2021. Blaauw’s Pink Azalea [Rhododendron sp.] Picture taken October 23, 2021. Sharon and I planted 3 Blauuw’s Pink Azalea plants in the front bulb bed. We added water and Miracle-Gro Shake‘n Feed All Purpose Plant Food to the hole where we…
Gardening Diary – October 18, 2021
Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Sharon and I planted 2 Mugo Pines in the beds in the front yard that contained the Cranberry Cotoneasters [Cotoneaster apiculatis]. We added water and Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed All…
Gardening Diary – October 15, 2021
Cranberry Cotoneasters removed. [Cotoneaster apiculatis] Picture taken on October 15, 2021. Sharon and I removed the 2 Cranberry Cotoneasters in the front yard. In addition, we weeded the beds that contained these plants. The weeds were primarily Bermuda grass and Violets.
Gardening Diary – October 13, 2021
Bulb bed Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Sharon finished weeding the Bulb bed. Finished mulching this bed with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. Bulb and Rose beds. Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Then started mulching the Rose bed also with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. A total of 10 2…
Gardening Diary – October 5, 2021
Took 6 bags of weeds to the dump. According to the Facebook page for the National Weather Service Morristown, expecting rain for today and the next 3 days: Several rounds of showers and a few thunderstorms are forecast over the next couple of days with the highest rainfall totals expected…