Latest Blog Posts
The following items provide links to the blog posts. The items are ordered by date (in reverse order) starting with the most recent blog post.
Gardening Diary – May 25, 2021
Lenten Rose Bed Picture taken on May 25, 2021. Moved the quarter circle shelving from the Sedum/Iris bed to the Lenten Rose bed. Watered the straw bale beds. Other photographs (5) taken today: Border Lilies [Lilium sp.] Picture taken on May 25, 2021. Iris [Iris sp.] Picture taken on May…
Gardening Diary – May 22, 2021
Sharon noticed that there was not enough water flowing into the straw bales #1-4. Looked at the end of the drip hose and noticed that there was a plastic blue disk hose which slowed down the amount of water going through the drip hose. Removed this blue disk. Then we…
Gardening Diary – May 21, 2021
Buddha Belly [Jatropha podagrica]. Picture taken on May 21, 2021. As we finally moved from early spring time weather but to middle summer time weather, moved the Buddha Belly from the porch to the same place in the second bulb bed that it occupied last year. Straw bale bed #7 Picture…
Gardening Diary – May 19, 2021
Lenten Rose bed Picture taken May 19, 2021. Continued weeding of the Lenten Rose bed.