Gardening Diary – May 5, 2023

Sunny Knock Out Roses
[Rosa ‘Radsunny’]
Picture taken on May 5, 2023.
Sunny Knock Out Roses
[Rosa ‘Radsunny’]
Picture taken on May 5, 2023.

Sharon did a quick weeding of the Sunny Knock Out Roses bed.

Sprayed ORTHO GroundClear on the weeds at the driveway’s edge of the Sunny Knock Out Roses bed and on some of the weeds in the Purple Smoke Bush bed.

Sharon distributed Preen Weed Preventer on the the Sunny Knock Out Roses bed. After emptying the Preen on the latter, she filled up the container with more Preen. Unfortunately, this Preen was contained in a bag and absorbed some moisture and Sharon had difficulty distributing the Preen on the Flowering Cherry bed. I helped her with the distribution of the Preen.

Sharon watered both the Sunny Knock Out Roses bed and the Flowering Cherry bed.

While Sharon was doing the above, I was continuing to weed the front bulb bed.

And when Sharon completed the above, she joined with me in weeding.