Gardening Diary – May 3, 2023

Spread Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer around the plants which were planted the previous 2 days.

Watered the area which was covered by the Preen and, of course, the plants which were recently planted.

Went into the front yard and started to weed the front bulb bed. Started with the cutting of the unknown plant which is growing in the front fence.

Removed the weeds that were in the mulched area next to the front fence.

Silver King Euonymus (after pruning)
[Euonymus japonicus ‘Silver King’].
Picture taken on May 3, 2023.
Silver King Euonymus (before pruning)
[Euonymus japonicus ‘Silver King’].
Picture taken on May 3, 2023.

Pruned the Silver King Euonymus.

The recent cold weather seems to have stopped the progress of new growth on the Silver King Euonymus that we observed a few weeks ago. Hopefully, with the cold weather gone, this bush will recover.

Holly bush
[Ilex sp.]
Picture taken on May 3, 3023.

Pruned out the unknown bush that had grown together with the Holly bush.

Sharon planted 19 Tulip [Tulipa sp.] bulbs in the Flowering Cherry bed; we had purchased a planter containing the blooming Tulips from Lowe’s.