Cut down the branches that were from the bush growing in the right front fence. Took these and previously cut branches and plants to the gulley on Dave’s property.
Sharon and I transported 7 or 8 bags of garden waste to the Knox county dump in Karns.
Sharon spreading diatomaceous earth.
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
Sharon spread diatomaceous earth on all plants in the straw bale beds #1-4, 7-8.
Watered all recently planted plants including the Buddha Belly [Jatropha podagrica] and the Strawberry tower but not the plants on the straw bale beds.
Additional photographs (18) taken today:
Granada Rose
[Rosa ‘Granada’]
Pictures taken on May 27, 2021.
[Lonicera sp.]
Pictures taken on May 27, 2021.
Pink Maximum Rhododendron
[Rhododendron Maximum ‘Roseum’]
Pictures taken on May 27, 2021.
[Allium schoenoprasum]
Pictures taken on May 27, 2021.
[Penstemon sp.]
Pictures taken on May 27, 2021.
Buddha Belly
[Jatropha podagrica]
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
Hardy Geranium
[Geranium ‘Rozanne’]
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
Zebra Mallow
[Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’]
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
[Tradescantia sp.]
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
Sunny Knock Out Roses
[Rosa ‘Radsunny’]
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.
Slenderette Bush Bean
Picture taken on May 27, 2021.