Hardy Bensonhurst Purple Figs with Lily
[Ficus carica],
Picture taken May 23, 2020
both of the Hardy Bensonhurst Purple Figs [Ficus carica],
Indigo Bush
[Amorpha fruticosa]
Picture taken May 23, 2020
the Indigo Bush [Amorpha fruticosa],
Kaleidoscope Butterfly Bush
[Buddleia davidii]
Picture taken May 23, 2020
the Kaleidoscope Butterfly Bush [Buddleia davidii], and
Groovy Grape Butterfly Bush with Lily
[Buddleja davidii ‘PPBD-I’].
Picture taken May 23, 2020
the Groovy Grape Butterfly Bush [Buddleja davidii ‘PPBD-I’].