Sharon put diatomaceous earth on some of the vegetables in the straw bale beds.
Then Sharon pruned the dead remains of last year’s growth of the Strawberries in the Strawberry tower.
Lenten Roses bed.
Picture taken May 13, 2021.
Started weeding the Lenten Roses bed.
Additional photographs (6) taken today:
Minnie Pearl Phlox
[Phlox x ‘Minnie Pearl’]
Picture taken May 13, 2021.
Walker’s Low Catmint
[Nepeta x faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’]
Picture taken May 13, 2021.
Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts
[Dicentra spectabilis ‘Old Fashioned’]
Picture taken May 13, 2021.
[Hosta sp.]
Picture taken May 13, 2021.