For the sixth day of preparing the straw bales, fertilized all the straw bales using 1 cup of Alaska Fish Fertilizer in 2 gallons of water for 4 straw bales.
Started working in the front yard.
Pink Muhly Grass
[Muhlenbergia capillaris]
Picture taken 24 February 2021.
Pink Muhly Grass
[Muhlenbergia capillaris]
Picture taken 24 February 2021.
Cut back the 6 Pink Muhly Grasses [Muhlenbergia capillaris] and the Perennial Fountain Grass [Pennisetum alopecuroides].
We are discussing whether to remove the Perennial Fountain Grass, the sole survivor of the 6 grasses that were previous occupants of these two beds.
[Amelanchier sp.]
Picture taken 24 February 2021.
Weeded around the Serviceberry [Amelanchier sp.].
Additional photograph (1) taken today:
[Narcissus sp.]
Picture taken 24 February 2021.