Gardening Diary – April 2, 2021

Sharon at uncovered Straw Bale Bed #7.

Picture taken 2 April 2021.

Sharon and I took the cover off of Straw Bale Bed #7 at about 11 AM. The low temperature for last night appears to have been about 28o F.

Tonight, the low temperature is predicted to be 26o F; hence, we put the cover back on the bed at about 7 PM.

From: National Weather Service on Facebook:

Additional pictures (3) taken today:

Aucuba-Hosoba Hoshifu

[Aucuba japonica]

Picture taken 2 April 2021.

Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts

[Dicentra spectabilis ‘Old Fashioned’]

Picture taken 2 April 2021.