Category: Threadleaf Blue Star
Gardening Diary – April 22, 2024
Threadleaf Blue Star[Amsonia hubrichtii]Picture taken on April 22, 2024. Cut back last year’s growth of Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii]. Pruned the Java Red Weigela [Weigela florida ‘Java Red’] which was close to the house. Following are some photos from the front yard: Azalea[Rhododendron sp.]Picture taken on April 22, 2024.…
Gardening Diary – December 8, 2021
Walkway right side of 2nd bulb bed. Picture taken on December 8, 2021. Completed weeding of the walkway which is on the right side of the 2nd bulb bed. Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii] Picture taken on December 8, 2021. Set up new supports for the Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia…
Gardening Diary – November 22, 2021
Second bulb bed. Picture taken on November 22, 2021. Continued to weed the second bulb bed. Cut back the dead stems of the other Penstemon [Penstemon sp.] and some of the stems of the Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii] so that it was easier to weed near the Threadleaf Blue…
Gardening Diary – November 19, 2021
Second bulb bed. Picture taken on November 19, 2021. Continued to weed the second bulb bed. Cut back the dead stems of one of the Penstemon [Penstemon sp.] and the stems of the Threadleaf Blue Star [Amsonia hubrichtii] which was outside the support provided for the main part of the…