Category: Deutzia Magician
Gardening Diary – May 27, 2022
Photos (1) taken today: Deutzia Magician [Deutzia ‘Magician’] Picture taken on May 27, 2022.
Gardening Diary – May 20, 2022
Photos (1) taken today: Deutzia Magician [Deutzia ‘Magician’] Picture taken on May 20, 2022.
Gardening Diary – November 3, 2021
Took the wagon with the refuse from the pruning of the Deutzia Magician [Deutzia x hybrida ‘MAGICIEN’] and the Coral Beauty Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Coral Beauty’] and dumped the refuse in the ditch in Dave’s yard. Since there were predictions of low temperatures in the 30’s, shut down the water into the backyard. Removed…
Gardening Diary – October 13, 2021
Bulb bed Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Sharon finished weeding the Bulb bed. Finished mulching this bed with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. Bulb and Rose beds. Picture taken on October 14, 2021. Then started mulching the Rose bed also with pine bark mini-nuggets mulch. A total of 10 2…
Gardening Diary – September 28, 2021
Rose bed and Original bulb bed Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Sharon continued to weed the original bulb bed and started to weed the Rose bed. Frog bath bed Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Chinese Fringe-Flower [Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum] Picture taken on September 28, 2021. Millennium Allium Ornamental Onions…
Gardening Diary – June 2, 2021
Tomatoes Pictures taken June 2, 2021. Sharon staked the Tomatoes and then she sprayed diatomaceous earth over the vegetables planted in straw bale beds #1-4 and #7-8. Lenten Rose bed Pictures taken June 2, 2021. Put down several bags of pine bark mini-nuggets mulch to cover the Lenten Rose bed.…
Gardening Diary – April 21, 2021
Sharon and the covered Straw Bale Beds #3-4. Picture taken on April 21, 2021, In preparation for the predicted lows (near freezing), Sharon and I covered the Tomatoes and Peppers in the Straw Bale Beds #3-4. Moved the pail, that contained the Hosta [Hosta sp.] plant dug up in the…