Category: Cranberry Cotoneaster

  • Gardening Diary – July 22, 2023

    Gardening Diary – July 22, 2023

    Sharon and I continued to prune and weed the bush bed. We finished pruning the Ninebark and weeding around this bush. Sharon did some pruning of the Kaleidoscope Abelia and the Autumn Jazz Arrowwood Viburnum and some weeding around these bushes. While Sharon was doing this, I started to clear…

  • Gardening Diary – October 18, 2021

    Gardening Diary – October 18, 2021

    Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Mugo Pine [Pinus mugo] Picture taken on October 18, 2021. Sharon and I planted 2 Mugo Pines in the beds in the front yard that contained the Cranberry Cotoneasters [Cotoneaster apiculatis]. We added water and Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed All…

  • Gardening Diary – October 15, 2021

    Gardening Diary – October 15, 2021

    Cranberry Cotoneasters removed. [Cotoneaster apiculatis] Picture taken on October 15, 2021. Sharon and I removed the 2 Cranberry Cotoneasters in the front yard. In addition, we weeded the beds that contained these plants. The weeds were primarily Bermuda grass and Violets.

  • Gardening Diary – August 2, 2021

    Gardening Diary – August 2, 2021

    Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Weeded the bed containing the second Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.]. Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Cranberry Cotoneaster [Cotoneaster sp.] Picture taken on August 2, 2021. Put down several bags of pine bark mini nuggets…

  • Gardening Diary – July 3, 2021

    Gardening Diary – July 3, 2021

    Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea] Picture taken July 3, 2021. Continued to remove tall weeds and prune lightly some bushes in the Sedum / Lily bed and the bush bed. Removed Oak [Quercus sp.] and Maple [Acer sp.] seedlings from the area around the Red Twig Dogwood and removed a…