Category: Baja Daylily

  • Gardening Diary – July 3, 2021

    Gardening Diary – July 3, 2021

    Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea] Picture taken July 3, 2021. Continued to remove tall weeds and prune lightly some bushes in the Sedum / Lily bed and the bush bed. Removed Oak [Quercus sp.] and Maple [Acer sp.] seedlings from the area around the Red Twig Dogwood and removed a…

  • Gardening Diary – June 29, 2021

    Gardening Diary – June 29, 2021

    Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata] Picture taken on June 29, 2021. Continued with the installation of plastic-covered steel plant stakes on the right side of the Green-headed Coneflowers bed. Some of the Green-headed Coneflowers that were outside of the bed were removed. As noticed in the picture above, some of the…

  • Gardening Diary – June 26, 2021

    Gardening Diary – June 26, 2021

    Center of back bed. Picture taken on June 26, 2021. Removed the Dock Weeds [Rumex obtusifolia​] and many of the Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata] that were contained in the center of the back bed. Took these to the ditch in Dave’s yard. During this time, watered both the straw bale…