Category: Autumn Jazz Arrowwood Viburnum

  • Gardening Diary – July 22, 2023

    Gardening Diary – July 22, 2023

    Sharon and I continued to prune and weed the bush bed. We finished pruning the Ninebark and weeding around this bush. Sharon did some pruning of the Kaleidoscope Abelia and the Autumn Jazz Arrowwood Viburnum and some weeding around these bushes. While Sharon was doing this, I started to clear…

  • Gardening Diary – May 20, 2021

    Gardening Diary – May 20, 2021

    Coleus [Solenostemon scutellarioides] Picture taken on May 22, 2021. Sharon planted 2 Coleus in the original bed and Iris [Iris sp.] Picture taken on May 20, 2021. I planted an Iris in the Sedum / Iris bed. The Coleus and Iris were obtained from Mingie’s. Lenten Rose bed Picture taken…