Category: Straw bale bed #5
Gardening Diary – April 20, 2024
Some pictures from the front garden: Sharon and Larry started to “clean up” the area between the back bed and the collection, raised beds #5-6, former spice bed, Green-headed Coneflowers bed, etc. This area contained the raised beds #1-4. We discussed the possibility of using the clean up area as…
Gardening Diary – April 11, 2024
After pondering the pro’s and con’s of fixing the backflow device for the irrigation system, finally decided to forgo fixing it. Since we had decided last year to remove the vegetable raised beds and to change focus to the maintaining of primarily bushes and trees in the backyard, the need…
Gardening Diary – February 9, 2022
Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’] Picture was taken on February 9, 2022. Started to prune the Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood that was next to the Dappled Willow [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] which we finished pruning a couple of days ago. The pruning is essentially the removal of twigs that were…
Gardening Diary – June 16, 2021
Walkway between the back porch and the Rose bed. Picture taken on June 16, 2021. Walkway between Rose bed and second bulb bed. Picture taken on June 16, 2021. Weed-eated the walkway between the back porch and the Rose bed, the walkway between the Rose bed and the second bulb…
Gardening Diary – June 15, 2021
Sharon and I took 6 bags of garden trash to the Knox County dump. Sharon planted Velvet Queen Sunflower [Helianthus annuus] seeds and Chianti Hybrid Sunflower seeds in raised bed #5. These were Burpee seeds and purchased by Elizabeth last year. After this, Sharon continued to weed the herb raised…
Gardening Diary – June 12, 2021
Tomatoes Picture taken June 12, 2021. Sharon staked 4 more Tomato plants and Sharon planting Vanilla Marigolds [Tagetes ‘Vanilla’] Picture taken on June 12, 2021. planted some Vanilla Marigolds in various straw bale beds. Trellis for Cucumbers. Picture taken on June 12, 2021. Sharon and I set up a trellis to…
Gardening Diary – January 23, 2021
Raised beds #1-6 and 2nd Bulb bed. Picture taken January 23, 2021. Completed weed-eating the walkway along the right side of raised beds #1-4 and the walkways on either side of raised beds #5-6. Also weed-eated the raised beds #3-4. Removed the stalks of the Sunflowers that were in raised…