Category: Right fence bed.
Gardening Diary – July 27, 2022
Right fence bed. Picture taken on July 27, 2022. Sharon continued to weed the right fence bed and pruned many of the neighbor’s bushes that hung over and through the fence. Hardy Bensonhurst Purple Fig Tree [Ficus carica] Picture taken on July 27, 2022. The walkway along the right side…
Gardening Diary – May 9, 2022
Daffodils bed. Picture taken on May 10, 2022. Sharon finished weeding the Daffodils bed. Right fence bed and Ferns bed. Picture taken on May 10, 2022. Mowed and weed-eated the walkway between the front right fence bed and the Ferns bed. Trumpet vine (???). Picture taken on May 9, 2022.…
Gardening Diary – February 7, 2022
Dappled Willow [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] Picture taken on February 7, 2022. Finished pruning the Dappled Willow next to the right fence. Took the refuse over to Dave’s gulley.
Gardening Diary – February 1, 2022
Dappled Willow [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] Picture taken on February 1, 2022. Continued to prune the Dappled Willow next to the right fence. Still some more pruning needs to be done. Took a wagonful of refuse from the pruning over to Dave’s gulley. Walking by the Wintergreen Boxwoods [Buxus microphylla var. koreana ‘Wintergreen’], noticed…
Gardening Diary – January 31, 2022
Dappled Willow [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] Picture taken on January 31, 2022. The Dappled Willow next to the right fence has grown quite large. Many of its branches hung over the fence as seen in the following picture from last April. Dappled Willow before pruning [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] Picture taken on…
Gardening Diary – December 16, 2021
Part of right fence garden bed. Picture taken on December 16, 2021. Planted 44 Darwin hybrid Tulips [Tulipa sp. (Darwin Hybrid Tulip)] starting on the right side of Southern Living Arborvitae O. Pancake [Thuja Concesarini PP24013] and finished a couple of feet from the black fence. Again, used a hand drill…
Gardening Diary – December 15, 2021
Vinyl fence panels. Picture taken on December 16, 2021. Installed a vinyl fence panel in front of the front fence next to a previously installed vinyl fence panel. The panel was used originally in the Lenten rose bed to hide a trash can. Part of right fence bed. Pictures taken…
Gardening Diary – July 21, 2021
Pink Muhly Grass [Muhlenbergia capillaris] Picture taken July 21, 2021 Serviceberry [Amelanchier sp.] Picture taken on July 21, 2021. Weeded the 2 beds containing Pink Muhly Grass and the bed containing the Serviceberry tree. Sprayed Ortho Groundclear Super on some areas of the above that contained Bermuda Grass, on Morning…
Gardening Diary – July 8, 2021
Tomatoes Picture taken on July 9, 2021. Sharon pruned and provided more support for the Tomatoes in the straw bale beds. Sharon harvest from the straw bale beds. Picture taken on July 8, 2021. Sharon harvested Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Yellow Summer Squash and 2 other unknown kinds of Squash. Right…