Category: Fern bed
Gardening Diary – July 4, 2022
Right side of home. Picture taken on July 4, 2022. Removed the vine that we think is a Trumpet Vine that grew on the side of the right side of the house. Weeded the Fern bed. Sharon removed a Maple tree that growing next to the house and another bush…
Gardening Diary – May 9, 2022
Daffodils bed. Picture taken on May 10, 2022. Sharon finished weeding the Daffodils bed. Right fence bed and Ferns bed. Picture taken on May 10, 2022. Mowed and weed-eated the walkway between the front right fence bed and the Ferns bed. Trumpet vine (???). Picture taken on May 9, 2022.…
Gardening Diary – July 21, 2021
Pink Muhly Grass [Muhlenbergia capillaris] Picture taken July 21, 2021 Serviceberry [Amelanchier sp.] Picture taken on July 21, 2021. Weeded the 2 beds containing Pink Muhly Grass and the bed containing the Serviceberry tree. Sprayed Ortho Groundclear Super on some areas of the above that contained Bermuda Grass, on Morning…
Gardening Diary – July 8, 2021
Tomatoes Picture taken on July 9, 2021. Sharon pruned and provided more support for the Tomatoes in the straw bale beds. Sharon harvest from the straw bale beds. Picture taken on July 8, 2021. Sharon harvested Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Yellow Summer Squash and 2 other unknown kinds of Squash. Right…
Gardening Diary – April 30, 2021
Sharon fertilized all the plants in Straw bale beds #3-4, 7-8 and sprayed diatomaceous earth on all the plants in straw bale beds #3-4. Straw bale beds #7-8 Picture taken April 30, 2021. Cut the drip hose on straw bale beds #7-8 at the place where the hose leaves straw…