Gardening Diary – April 10, 2023

Sharon and I severely pruned the Kaleidoscope Butterfly Bush [Buddleia davidii  ‘Bicolor’]. This bush was the only one of 3 Butterfly Bushes in the garden which did not show new growth.

Kaleidoscope Butterfly Bush
[Buddleia davidii  ‘Bicolor’]
Picture taken on April 10, 2023.
Sharon resting after pruning the Kaleidoscope Butterfly Bush [Buddleia davidii  ‘Bicolor’]
Picture taken on April 10, 2023.

Then Sharon and I weeded the Butterfly Bush bed.

Additional pictures (5) taken today:

Orange Azalea
[Rhododendron sp.].
Picture taken on April 10, 2023
Blaauw’s Pink Azalea
[Rhododendron sp.].
Picture taken on April 10, 2023.
Bird bath dish in the front bed.
Picture taken on April 10, 2023.