Woodland Sunflowers
[Helianthus divaricatus]
Picture taken August 7, 2020.
Finished getting rid of the Woodland Sunflowers [Helianthus divaricatus] that were in the front of the right side of the back bed.
Removed one of the Azalea [Rhododendron sp.] bushes in the right front side of the back bed. This bush had died during the past winter.
Continued to weed the area of the bed to the left of the Dappled Willow [Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’] in the back bed.
Additional photographs (3) taken today:
Surprise Lilies
[Lycoris squamigera]
Picture taken July 22, 2020.
Sweet Potatoe Vine
[Ipomoea batatas]
Picture taken July 22, 2020.