Shipment from Home Depot
Picture taken on February 9, 2021.
Yesterday, ordered 24 wheat straw bales, 6 pine straw bales, 10 1 ft3 bags of garden soil and 75 2 ft3 bags of pine bark mini-nuggets mulch,
They were brought to the house this morning and were contained on 4 palettes.
Straw bale beds #1-4
Picture taken on February 10, 2021.
Unpacked the palette that contained 18 of the wheat straw bales. Moved these into straw bale beds #1-3 and #7-8.
Straw bale beds #7-8
Picture taken on February 10, 2021.
One of these straw bales had broken strings and the straw was carried into the front of straw bale bed #7.