Gardening Diary – May 15, 2021

Spice Tower

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Planted the following herbs and spices in the spice tower, the GreenStalk Vertical Planter which we purchased last year:

Greek Oregano

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Siam Queen Thai Basil

[Ocimum basilicum ‘Siam Queen‘]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.


Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Golden Lime Thyme

Picture taken on May 15, 2021.


[Artemisia dracunculus]

Picture taken on May 15, 2021.


Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Wales Golden Oregano

[Origanum vulgare ‘Wales Golden’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Silver Posie Thyme

[Thymus ‘Silver Posie’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Mint Julep

[Mentha spicata]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Tricolor Sweet Potato Vine

[Ipomoea ‘Tricolor’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Curled Parsley

[Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Pineapple Mint

[Mentha suaveolens ‘Variegata’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

French Lavender

[Lavandula stoechas]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Orange Scented Thyme

[Thymus ‘Fragrantissimus’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

The following pictures (11) were taken today:

Golden Ninebark

[Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Pink Maximum Rhododendron

[Rhododendron Maximum ‘Roseum’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Pink Maximum Rhododendron and Daisy Fleabane

[Rhododendron Maximum ‘Roseum’], [Erigeron strigosus]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Minnie Pearl Phlox

[Phlox x ‘Minnie Pearl’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Minnie Pearl Phlox and Walker’s Low Catmint

[Phlox x ‘Minnie Pearl’], [Nepeta x faassenii ‘Walker’s Low’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Threadleaf Blue Star

[Amsonia hubrichtii]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.

Deutzia Magician

[Deutzia ‘Magician’]

Picture taken May 15, 2021.