Walkway between the back porch and the Rose bed.
Picture taken on June 16, 2021.
Walkway between Rose bed and second bulb bed.
Picture taken on June 16, 2021.
Weed-eated the walkway between the back porch and the Rose bed, the walkway between the Rose bed and the second bulb bed, the walkways on the right side of raised beds #5-6 and part of the walkway in front of the raised beds #1-4. Unfortunately, the trimmer replacement cap assembly broke and could not continue with the weed-eating.
This was the second misfortune this morning. The extension cord reel system seems to have failed. Will need to check this on a different outlet to confirm our suspicion.
Raised beds #5-6.
Picture taken on June 16, 2021.
Added the larger garden panels around the raised bed #5. Sharon suggested doing this since the dogs were walking through this raised bed while she was working in this area.
Dock Weed
[Rumex obtusifolia]
Picture taken on June 16, 2021.
Removed all of the Dock Weeds in the walkway in front of the back bed and all of the Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata] which were outside of its bed.