Gardening Diary – June 26, 2021

Center of back bed.

Picture taken on June 26, 2021.

Removed the Dock Weeds [Rumex obtusifolia​] and many of the Green-headed Coneflowers [Rudbeckia laciniata] that were contained in the center of the back bed. Took these to the ditch in Dave’s yard.

During this time, watered both the straw bale beds and the front beds.

Additional photographs (6) taken today:

Spirea (+ detail)

[Spiraea japonica]

Picture taken June 26, 2021

Buddha Belly (+ detail)

[Jatropha podagrica]

June 26, 2021

Baja Daylily

[Hemerocallis ‘Baja’]

June 26, 2021

Stargazer Lilies

[Lilium ‘Stargazer’]

June 26, 2021