Mandevilla Vine
[Mandevilla sp.]
Picture taken on August 9, 2022.
Bought a trellis from Amazon last week, it arrived yesterday and we installed it today so that the Mandevilla Vine [Mandevilla sp.] will be supported by it.
Noah had his firsty day of class today and since he was released at noon, we went to pick him up.
Millennium Allium Ornamental Onions
[Allium ‘Millennium’]
Picture taken on August 9, 2022.
After supper, when Sharon took the dogs outside, she started to weed some areas in the backyard including the bed containing the Millennium Allium Ornamental Onions [Allium ‘Millennium’]. We are thinking about moving them to the front in the Fall.
Black and Yellow Argiope
[Argiope aurantia]
Picture taken on August 9, 2022.
As Sharon and I were walking back to the house, we noticed a Black and Yellow Argiope spider [Argiope aurantia] building a web around the Ground Orchids [Bletilla striata ‘Alba’] in the second bulb bed.