Gardening Diary – November 10, 2022

Sharon and I took some wood, which was taken down from the house when the contractor replaced it with new wood so that the new guttering could be fastened to it, to the dump.

Fall decorations.
Picture taken on November 10, 2022.

Added support using rebar and a bungee cord for each pot of Chrysanthemums [Chrysanthemum sp.]. These pots were easily tipped over by wind or rain.

Front Daffodils bed

Picture taken on November 10, 2022.

Removed the Coleuses which were killed by a freeze a couple of weeks ago from one side of the front Daffodils bed. Also weeded this part of the bed; most of the weeds were either Onions or Violets.

Additional photos (6) taken today:

Diane Witch Hazel
[Hamamelis × intermedia ‘Diane’]
Picture taken on November 10, 2022.
Purple Haze Pineapple Lilies
[Eucomis ‘Purple Haze’]
Picture taken on November 10, 2022.

Pink Muhly Grass
[Muhlenbergia capillaris]
Picture taken on November 10 2022.