Gardening Diary – May 21, 2021

Buddha Belly

[Jatropha podagrica].

Picture taken on May 21, 2021.

As we finally moved from early spring time weather but to middle summer time weather, moved the Buddha Belly from the porch to the same place in the second bulb bed that it occupied last year.

Straw bale bed #7

Picture taken on May 21, 2021.

Sharon noticed that some of the Slenderette Bush Beans that she had planted in straw bale bed #7 and which sprouted had no leaves on them. We suspected that some chipmunks had eaten the leaves. She replaced the “stalks” with new seeds. Then she and I covered the bed with bird netting.

Sharon planting Peppers, Cucumbers and Summer Squash.

Picture taken on May 21, 2021.

To replace plants that were not growing, Sharon planted Peppers, Cucumbers and Summer Squash in mounds of soil that covered the drip hose. Sharon dusted these mounds with kaolin clay.

While Sharon was doing this, I watered the Buddha Belly, the Strawberry tower, the herb tower and almost all of the recently planted plants excluding the plants that were plants that were in the straw bale beds. The latter were watered by the drip hose after we went into the house.