Sharon was cleaning the back bed along the walkway behind the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince [Chaenomeles speciosa‘Texas Scarlet’], etc. while I was cutting down the volunteer trees and bushes that were growing in the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince and the Azaleas [,hododendron sp.] at the right side of the front of the back bed. As we did not remove these last year, they were quite tall (5′ – 6′). We suspect that some of these were Privet, Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’] and a couple which we were unable to identify.
As can be seen in the pictures, the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince was starting to bud.
While walking in the front yard, we noticed that some of the Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths were in bloom.