Gardening Diary – April 13, 2023

Took the wagon, filled up with the weeds and the cuttings of the Pink Muhly Grass [Muhlenbergia capillaris] from the work that we did yesterday, over to Dave’s gulley and emptied it.

Java Red Weigela
[Weigela florida ‘Java Red’]
Pictures taken on April 13, 2023

Sharon pruned the Java Red Weigel that was next to the house. She also weeded around this plant and the Pink Flowering Almond [Prunus glandulosa] that was next to it.

Raised beds #7 and #8
Picture taken on April 13, 2023.

Started to dismantle the raised beds #7 and #8.

Other pictures (4) taken today:

Orange Azalea
[Rhododendron sp.]
Pictures were taken April 13, 2023.
Blue Prince Holly
[Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Prince’]
Pictures were taken April 13, 2023.