Gardening Diary – February 22, 2023

Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince
[Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Texas Scarlet’]
Picture taken on February 22, 2023.

Sharon was cleaning the back bed along the walkway behind the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince [Chaenomeles speciosa‘Texas Scarlet’], etc. while I was cutting down the volunteer trees and bushes that were growing in the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince and the Azaleas [,hododendron sp.] at the right side of the front of the back bed. As we did not remove these last year, they were quite tall (5′ – 6′). We suspect that some of these were Privet, Cardinal Red Twig Dogwood [Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’] and a couple which we were unable to identify.

As can be seen in the pictures, the Texas Scarlet Flowering Quince was starting to bud.

[Narcissus sp.].
Picture taken on February 22, 2023.
Grape Hyacinth
[Muscari sp.].
Picture taken on February 22, 2023.

While walking in the front yard, we noticed that some of the Daffodils and Grape Hyacinths were in bloom.